Anxiety and Traditional Chinese Medicine
"......Experience shows that acupuncture is very helpful in calming the
shén with application of needles on a weekly or twice–weekly
basis ensuring the momentum of treatment. Concomitantly, herbs
are best for replenishing yin and blood and anchorage to the shén.
Acupuncture and herbs are effective at ameliorating the withdrawal
effects of pharmaceutical medications, while dealing with the
problem that gave rise to the anxiety in the first place.
It is important to note other drugs that may be influential, and to
elicit a full list of medications or other potentially aggravating
substances being used. In addition to the drugs noted in the box to
the left, substances such as appetite suppressants and caffeine may
be implicated. Excessive use of caffeine (in coffee, chocolate and
cola drinks) is a reasonably common cause of anxiety and easy to overlook. "
".......Anxiety has too often been deemed pathological and
medicated inappropriately by health professionals lacking
the time or skills to address the feeling or emotions behind
the anxiety. Women in particular have often been prescribed
sedatives for distress following bereavement or resulting from
intolerable domestic or work situations. Such over prescribing
and abuse of tranquillizers and anxiolytic agents has brought with
it its own problems. Prolonged use of benzodiazepine agents1
in particular has many unpleasant side effects and withdrawal
symptoms. This class of drug acts in a similar fashion to the
heavy mineral substances that are used in Chinese medicine to
suppress ascendant yang and sedate and anchor the shén. The
consequences of prolonged use of a single (and unbalanced
substance) such as this are several; their bitter cool nature
damages Heart and Kidney yin, weakens the Spleen, congests the
Liver and further destabilizes the shén....."
**Full article published on the Mayway Mailer, May 2017;